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【拉丁名】Rubus idaeus

【英文名】raspberry; blaeberry;Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit







【用法用量】煎汤,6 -12?g;浸酒、熬膏或入丸、散。


Fu Pen Zi(覆盆子,Rubus idaeus)

Category Astringent Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal Properties? Sweet?and sour in flavor, mild-natured and enters into the liver?and kidney meridians.

Actions Invigorate the liver and kidney, reduce the frequency of urination, activate yang, preserve the essence, and improve eyesight.

Indications? Impotence, seminal emission, frequent micturition, enuresis, consumptive disease, and poor vision.

Usage and Dosage 6-12g is used in decoction for oral use.?Soak in medicated wine, decoct into paste or put into pill, and powder.

Contraindication? Those with?deficient-fire in kidneys and?short inhibited voidings of urine?should take it with caution.


【拉丁名】Goodyera schlechtendaliana Rchb.f

【英文名】rattlesnake plantain









Ban Ye Lan(斑叶兰,Goodyera schlechtendaliana Rchb.f)

Category Heat Clearing Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal Properties? Bitter?in flavor, cool-natured and enters into the heart, lung?and kidney meridians.

Actions Clear?heat and detoxicate, promote?blood circulation to arrest pain, soften?hardness to dissipate stagnation.

Indications? Bronchitis, joint pain, traumatic injury, scrofula, carbuncle, sore and furuncle.

Usage and Dosage Decocte for oral use.?Apply crushed, or soak in medicated wine, orapply the?crushed.

Contraindication? Avoid acid and cold food.


【拉丁名】Lysimachia christinae Hance

【英文名】desmodium; Herba lysimachiae









Jin Qian Cao(金钱草,Lysimachia christinae Hance)

Category Chinese Medicinal Herbs for?promoting diuresis and resolving dampness

Medicinal Properties? Sweet and bland in flavor, slightly-cold-natured and attributive to the liver, gallbladder, kidney and bladder meridians.

Actions Eliminate dampness to treat jaundice, induce diuresis to treat stranguria, eliminate toxic materialsand relieve swelling.

Indications For?jaundice of dampness- heat type,?stranguria(especially suitable for stony stranguria),?pyocutaneous disease with swelling and poisoning snake bite.

Usage and Dosage 15-60g is used in decoction for oral use, the amount of the fresh should be doubled and just the right amount is for external use.

Contraindication? Due to?its cold nature, it cannot be used for patients with cold-type diseases and a bad stomach.


【拉丁名】Caulis Parthenocissi Tricuspidatae

【英文名】Japanese Creeper








Pa Shan Hu (爬山虎,Caulis Parthenocissi Tricuspidatae)

Medicinal Properties? Sweet?andpuckeryin flavor, mild-natured and enters into the liver?meridian.

Actions? Dispelpathogenic wind and?remove obstruction in the collaterals, promote blood circulation?and detoxicate

Indications ?For rheumatic arthralgia; external traumatic injury, carbuncle, and furuncle.

Usage and Dosage 15-30g is used in decoction for oral use. External use: wash with the decoction,apply the milled juice, orapply the crushed.

Contraindication? Currently unclear.


【拉丁名】Herba Gnaphaii Affinis

【英文名】Cudweed Herb









Shu Qu Cao(鼠曲草,Herba Gnaphaii Affinis)

Category Antitussive and Antiasthmatic Chinese Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal Properties? Slightly sweet?in flavor, mild-natured and enters into the lung?meridian.

Actions Eliminate phlegm, relieve cough and?asthma, and dispel?wind-dampness.

Indications? For cold and cough, bronchitis, asthma, hypertension, favism, and rheumatic lumbago and skelalgia. External use for traumatic injury, venomous snake bite.

Usage and Dosage 9-30g is used in decoction for oral use.?Just right?amount is for external use,?or?apply the crushed.

Contraindication? ?Use less, for the too much use?of it will damage the eyes.




Gin and wings

King crab wing

Pigeon swallow wing

Pork stewed dishes bile wings

Swiss chicken wing sauce stewed

Arctic shellfish conch fin soup

A wave of abalone juice lotus wing

Chinese large abalone soup

Gin with large abalone

Ham stewed large abalone soup

Japan Wo Ma

Japan crown Kyrgyzstan goods

Japanese abalone

The Middle East abalone

South Africa Kyrgyzstan goods

South African Abalone

Abalone juice agar

Sea cucumber abalone juice

Stewed sea cucumber

Braised sea cucumber with millet

Flowers with sea cucumber

Sea cucumber with Beijing scallion

Stewed bird's nest with rock sugar

Apricot juice Guan Yan

Braised Guan Yan

Hawaii papaya Guan Yan

Of abalone


Abalone in abalone, also known as mirror fish, abalone lo, Mingmu fish, is a kind of marine shellfish.

Nutritional analysis

1abalone is rich in protein, calcium, iron, and more iodine and vitamin A and other nutritional elements.

2abalone nutrition is Australia walnut7 times.

3abalone can Yin, liver, kidney, adrenal gland secretion can be adjusted, has a two-way regulation of blood pressure.

The fin piece


The so-called shark fin, is a shark fin in the filamentous cartilage, is process shark's fin peculiarly ( i.e., shark fin cartilage ) does not contain any human body to lack or high value of nutrition, so eating shark fin is a special cultural phenomenon in china.

Therapeutic efficacy

Traditional Chinese medicine in practice, understanding the fin therapeutic efficacy, it taste sweet and salty and flat, Qi, appetizer, tonic. Integrated traditional Chinese medicine by saying, fin can ooze wet water, Kaiwei Jinshi, phlegm eliminating fish product, make up the five internal organs, long waist strength, Yi consumptive disease. According to the" compendium of Materia Medica" contained, fin can make up the five internal organs, long waist force, Qi and phlegm, in diabetic patients with more efficacy. By the food welcome home, became a feast for the best. And" wingless do not become banquet .".

Of sea cucumber


Sea cucumber variety, one of the Liaodong Peninsula in waters around the best producer, named sea cucumber.

Nutritive value.

Contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and iodine, iron, etc..

Therapeutic efficacy:

Kidney essence, nourishing runzao. Treating deficiency of the kidney essence, impotence, frequent urination, waist sour weak; Yin and blood deficiency, emaciation, hot flashes, cough, hemoptysis, diabetes, such as stool.

Bird's nest of


Is the swallow's nest. But it is not the ordinary swallow's nest, but a special swallow one one swiftlet nest.

Therapeutic efficacy:

1, nourishing lung yin. Stop cough, lung deficiency, reduced lung lesions. Including the lung of asthma, shortness of breath, cough, bloody sputum, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, bronchitis, sweating, low heat.

2filling empty stomach, vomiting, stomach cold resistance check. Stomach yin deficiency induced nausea, retching, bowel sounds.

3 where the disease after the weak, injured, loss of the disorder in tuberculosis, with bird's nest for food, nourishing yin to tune in to.

4deficiency, spleen deficiency of antiperspirant, sweating, frequent urination, nocturia.

5make skin smooth, elastic and glossy, thereby reducing wrinkles.

6bird's nest containing a variety of amino acids, infants and children eat can increase long wisdom, thinking, sensitive, filling their acquired deficiency.

In 7 pregnant women during pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal feeding, with tocolysis, tire repair effect.

8bird's nest containing a variety of amino acids, on esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, throat cancer, rectal cancer, suppress and countering.

Free of


It is a fish, is all kinds of swim bladder of dry products, to the rich and famous for its alias of glioma, fish maw.

Therapeutic efficacy

It can nourish kidney invigorating, blood vessels, can the treatment of kidney deficiency and postnatal sexual ( postnatal food ) wind. It contains rich protein and glial, with Ziyin beauty, kidney, strong function. Yaoxisuanruan, physical weakness, the most suitable frequently edible.

Nutritional analysis

It is the main component of advanced collagen, a variety of vitamins and calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other trace elements. The high protein content of 84.2%, fat is only 0.2%, is ideal for high protein low fat food




英 [l??]? 美 [l??]








英 [hɑ:t]? ?美 [hɑ:rt]





1、She has a kind heart.


2、Have you no heart?



英 [?l?v?(r)]? ?美 [?l?v?]









英 [spli:n]? 美 [splin]








英 [?k?dni]? 美 [?k?dni]








按照中医学的阴阳理论,阴阳具有无限可分性,肾藏先后天之精,精属阴,所以称阴精,气属阳,所以称阳气,合称阴精阳气。肾精属阴精,阴精之中又可再分阴阳,其中又可分为阴精中之阳精和阴精中之阴精。阴精中之阳精亏虚时,有腰膝酸痛、腰脊萎弱、骨酸疲惫、易疲劳等症状表现,阴精中之阴精亏虚时有腰膝酸软、足跟痛、口干舌燥、消渴、失眠多梦等症状表现。阴精中之阳精亏虚时多与肾阳虚关系密切,阴精中之阴精亏虚时多与肾阴虚关系密切。所以肾阳虚时除了有畏寒怕冷等表现外常伴有腰膝酸痛、腰脊萎弱、骨酸疲惫、易疲劳等症状,肾阴虚时除了有阴虚燥热等表现外常伴有腰膝酸软、足跟痛、口干舌燥、消渴等症状。从补肾中药中可以看出鹿茸、鹿角胶、杜仲、巴戟天、淫羊藿、肉苁蓉、骨碎补、狗脊、仙茅等补肾中药具有温肾阳、益阳精(阴精中之阳精)的作用,熟地黄、制首乌、枸杞子、龟甲胶、女贞子等具有滋肾阴、益阴精(阴精中之阴精)的作用,因此对于肾精亏虚要补肾精时要分清阴阳之分,选择合适的中药材进补。从这里也可以看出肾阳虚对人的影响要比肾阴虚大,人体内阳主阴从,阴阳互根。甲状腺激素、糖皮质激素、雄性激素、降钙素、维D3等都属于阳精(阴精中之阳精)的范畴。雌激素、褪黑激素、胰岛素等大都属于阴精(阴精中之阴精)的范畴。 食疗 红炆狗肉红炆狗肉:狗肉500克、八角、小茴春、陈皮、桂皮、草果、生姜和盐适量。慢火炆熟,弃药渣吃肉。 狗肉炖黑豆:狗肉250克、黑豆50克,调以适量的盐、姜、五香粉及糖,置砂锅中文火炖熟,佐餐食用。 羊肉羊肾粥:羊肉100克、羊肾1对、杞子10克、大米100克。杞子煎药汁,羊肉、羊肾切碎,与大米、药汁共煮粥,加食盐调味后食用。 羊肾汤:羊肾1对、肉从蓉12克、杞子10克、巴戟8克、熟地10克。羊肾切片与药物共煮汤,弃药渣,食盐调味,食肉饮汤。 羊肉汤:羊肉150克、怀山药120克、肉苁蓉100克、菟丝子150克、桃仁15克、葱白、食盐适量,药物水煎取汁,羊肉切片,与药汁煮汤,加葱白食盐调味,食用。 炸麻雀:麻雀3只,去毛及内脏,用生油炸香,蘸炒盐粉食用,每日1次。 麻雀汤:麻雀2只,菟丝子25克、杞子25克。菟丝子、杞子水煎取汁,麻雀去毛及内脏,与药汁煮汤,食盐调味,食肉饮汤。 虾仁汤:虾仁50克、冬虫夏草15克、九香虫15克,加水炖熟,食肉饮汤。 炖乌鸡:乌骨鸡(竹丝鸡)1只、巴戟天25克、杞子25克、大枣3枚、生姜3片。乌鸡去毛及内脏,与药物一起隔水炖熟,食用。 炖鹌鹑:鹌鹑1只、杞子50克、杜仲10克。鹌鹑去毛及内脏,杞子、杜仲共炖熟,去药渣,吃肉饮汤。 饮食禁忌

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